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Bolt Discovery
Simplify Program Discovery with
Generative Search

Dig less. Discover more. Meet Bolt Discovery, designed to revolutionize how you and your students find knowledge on your website.

Traditional search on school websites is frustrating and complex.

With broken site searches, slow responses to inquiries, and the inability to handle multi-platform interactions.

Broken Site Search

Students struggle to find information using ineffective site search tools, leading to a frustrating hunt-and-peck experience.

High Volume of Inquiries

Handling a growing number of inquiries across multiple platforms is resource-intensive, causing delays and errors.

Limited Multi-language Support

Institutions often lack the capability to provide immediate, multilingual responses, leaving non-native speakers underserved.

Bolt Discovery

Giving students and stakeholders the fast, easy
access to information they expect.

AI-Powered Generative Search

Provide real-time, personalized recommendations that guide users to the information they seek, eliminating the traditional hunt-and-peck search experience.

Multi-Language Support

Offer instant responses in multiple languages, catering to diverse student populations without needing specialized staff.

Streamlined Inquiry Management

Handle more inquiries faster and with less effort, freeing staff to focus on strategic initiatives.

Transforming Traditional Website Search

Join us for a short but informative tour of Bolt Discovery, and learn how Generative Search is changing how students find information on school websites.

Watch Now

What Powers
Bolt Discovery?

As a generative search solution, Bolt Discovery uses the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) and custom Natural Language Processing (NLP) models, to improve search relevance, surface timely content, and even predict user intent, while providing human-like responses. The product integrates easily onto school websites, simplifying the process of finding information and addressing common pain points in higher education, such as broken site searches and slow responses to inquiries.


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Element451 is the only AI-first CRM and Student Engagement platform for higher education. Our friendly experts are here to help you explore how Element451 can improve outcomes for your school.

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